Daddy Day Care Wexford Gorey Daddy Day Care Wexford Gorey Daddy Day Care Wexford Gorey Daddy Day Care Wexford Gorey

Summer Camps

Daddy Daycare Summer Camps run in July and August on selected weeks Monday – Thursday from 10am - 2pm.

Examples of Summer Camps include:
> Arts & Crafts Camps
> Construction Camps
> Sports Camps
> Games Camps

Minimum and maximum child age applies to particular camps depending on their complexity. Booking is essential as places are limited.

Pre-school Camps
In preparation for new Pre-Schools children Daddy Daycare run “Funny Fridays” from 10am - 2pm on selected weeks in July & August. Funny Fridays are a useful way for first time attending Pre-School children to become familiar with a pre-school surrounding.

Booking is essential as places are limited.

For Summer camp Schedule email